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Cooling hot flushes, a common but uncomfortable symptom of menopause

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and in 2018 alone there were over 2 million new cases. Breast cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, oophorectomy...

Vaginal dryness: a common but taboo symptom resulting from breast cancer treatment

More than half of all women experience vaginal atrophy, including vaginal dryness, after natural menopause. Unfortunately, for women with breast cancer, this figure can go as high as 70%...

Libido – a common but surmountable decrease that may occur during breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and its therapy may lead to sexual dysfunction. In fact, low sexual desire has been reported by up to 48% of women with breast cancer...

Coping with the physical changes

Grappling with your intimacy, or lack thereof, is one among the various challenges facing breast cancer patients and survivors. Comic book illustrator and blogger, Lili Sohn...

What means can be offered to patient to preserve their fertility?

Young women with breast cancer often worry about the possibility of having children after treatment. Learn here about the different ways this might be possible...

Suggestions for a premenopausal woman diagnosed with cancer

Young women with breast cancer often worry about the possibility of having children after treatment. Learn here about the different ways this might be possible...

Premenopausal patients poential impact on reproductive capacity

Are you a young breast cancer patient and want to be informed about fertility options? Learn how that’s changing and what options are available to you...

What determines residual ovarian function after chemotherapy?

In this video Prof. Grynberg explains the various factors at play in determining ovarian function after chemotherapy. Unfortunately, it's not such a simple formula!

Are there any reliable data on the rate of successful pregnancies after breast cancer?

What is the impact of hormone therapy for breast cancer on ovarian function?

Watch and learn as Prof. Grynberg reveals what the risk of hormone therapy is to your ability to conceive. It turns out it’s not the therapy itself…

What happens to a woman’s ovarian function and fertility during and after chemotherapy?

Prof. Grynberg explains here that chemotherapy for breast cancer patients can alter reproductive function. After therapy, waiting a certain amount of time until safely being able to get pregnant...

What are the physiological changes in fertility during a woman’s lifetime?

Interested in having children after your breast cancer treatment? Watch this video as Prof. Grynberg explains the physiological changes to your reproductive function as you grow older and how it may be impacted by chemotherapy...

What is oncofertility?

Learn from Prof. Grynberg about the relatively new medical field of oncofertility, how it came about and its purpose...

Embrace your body, embrace intimacy

Physical changes, especially after breast surgery, can make some women less comfortable with their bodies. There may be a loss of sensation in the affected breast...

Living with Breast Cancer